What does manufactured housing design trends look like for Millennials?

Principal | Landscape Architect & Land Planner

COVID-19 has resulted in massive upheavals in all sectors of business and life. Needless to say, housing has not been immune to the pandemic.

While the housing industry does continue to grow, I’ve noticed significant shifts in the buying patterns of potential customers. Among homebuyers, the Millennial generation is known to be more tech-savvy and perform detailed research online before making a purchase.

In the wake of the pandemic, another trend that has come to the fore is Millennials tendency to buy manufactured homes. Since manufactured homes are much more affordable and cost-effective, Millennials that are on a budget are leaning towards these homes.

Today, we’re going to look at some manufactured housing design trends that can work for Millennials in a post-pandemic universe. These trends should appeal not only to this generation but the next as well.

Let’s see what these trends are.

Why focus on millennials and manufactured homes?

It’s essential to understand why the housing industry needs to focus on millennials at this point. Millennials, who are adults in the 18 to mid-30s range, currently form the largest segment of potential home-owners in the USA.

At the same time, this generation also has a lead in mortgage ownership. Taken together, these factors are ample proof that millennials today form the focal point of the housing industry. However, appealing to Millennials is a challenging task, simply due to the fact that this generation has some unique requirements when it comes to home buying.

Also, of importance is the fact that Millennials are already mired in the morass of educational loans and joblessness. This simply means that they are certainly not in a position to spend on large homes or expensive rentals. However, they do crave the sense of security that comes with owning a property of their own.

This is precisely where manufactured homes come in. These pre-built dwelling units have come a long way from the days of the mobile home courts (or parks) of 60 years ago. Today’s manufactured homes offer customizable designs and tech-savvy options, all of which are highly appealing for Millennials.

Add to that the fact that COVID-19 has made it mandatory to spend more time indoors than outside, and you’ll know why this generation is looking for smart dwellings. In the following sections, we’re going to look at some post-pandemic design trends that Millennials prefer in manufactured houses.

Functional private spaces

I don’t need to spell out exactly how COVID-19 has changed our lives; that much is evident to everyone today in 2020. What is interesting to note is that as a direct result of the pandemic, the housing needs of Millennials have changed considerably.

If you think closely about this age group, most of them are either working or studying presently. However, as a response to the pandemic, today they have been confined to undertaking these activities from the comfort of their homes.

This has led to the need for quieter, more private living spaces that offer the comforts of a home office. Due to this, the allure of an open floor plan is slowly fading, and millennials are leaning towards manufactured homes that incorporate the flexibility of multipurpose- functional spaces.

Enough room for recreation

We all know the adage that all work and no play could make anyone a dull person. And millennials, as a generation, take their recreation time very seriously. The trouble is, with most outdoor avenues of relaxation closed due to the pandemic, home is where the heart must remain.

Due to this, millennials prefer homes that have space for home gyms, lots of outdoor spaces and enough room for social gatherings. Along with that, the need for kids’ recreation must also be met by modern homes.

And this is where manufactured homes excel; these homes come with enough open space and spare rooms for setting up recreational spaces. This perfect blend of form and function appeals to the Millennial generation in a big way.

Pet-Friendly Designs

Another aspect that modern manufactured homes have to look into is pet-friendliness. According to the latest figures, over 70% of Millennials currently own pets. And since pets form an integral part of the millennial family, they tend to put the furry members first when looking at new homes.

To cater to this, manufactured homes provide pet-friendly designs at affordable costs. This helps to overcome costly pet-deposits on rental properties and even restrictions regarding pet types allowed.

The perfect blend of tech and sustainability

As a generation, millennials have grown up with the issues of Global Warming and Climate Change. Naturally, they are more inclined towards sustainable homes and environment-friendly options such as solar-powered heating.

Along with the above, millennials are also known to be more than comfortable with technology. In a bid to appeal to both of these traits, manufactured homes today offer energy-efficient and eco-friendly designs.

This is complemented by technological advances such as smart lighting and locks, automatic temperature control, and intelligent home assistants. Many manufactured homes even come with LEED and Energy Star certifications.

Final words

Millennials are arguably the largest generation since Baby Boomers, and they’re entering the home-buying age at a time the world has been turned up-side-down. COVID-19 has not only claimed lives, but also rattled the confidence of everyone across the globe.

In such a situation, our homes are more than places to live. Instead, they are sanctuaries, where we need to feel safe and comfortable. What’s more, these amenities must come at costs that can be borne by Millennials.

Thankfully, the manufactured home industry has stepped forward to cater to the needs of this generation. By adapting to design trends favored by Millennials, manufactured homes have carved out a particular niche in the post-pandemic housing industry.

And hopefully, in the hearts and minds of Millennial homebuyers everywhere.

3150 Livernois Road,
Unit 136
Troy, Michigan
Toll: 844-669-6234

289 Garry Street,
Unit 300
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1H9
Toll: 844-669-6234

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