The resurgence of RV parks in a post COVID-19 world

Principal | Landscape Architect & Land Planner

Every cloud has a silver lining. But in order to see it, you need to be patient and imbibe positivity, even in the toughest situation.

Isn’t that what we’re doing or at least trying to do during this pandemic, which seems to be never-ending?

The outbreak of coronavirus has definitely changed lifestyles. Marketplaces and businesses have taken a hit, but a few industries have emerged victorious. That being said, the travel and tourism industry has broadened prospects for camping with a comeback.

And the sudden spike in its demand is here to stay even in the post-pandemic scenario. How am I so sure? Here’s where you’ll find out.

In this article, I’ve elaborated on the adverse effects of Coronavirus on the tourism industry. Furthermore, I throw light on a post COVID-19 world, which is bound to see a resurgence of RV parks.

How has COVID-19 affected travel?

The sudden onset of the coronavirus pandemic has brought our lives to a standstill. With several businesses adversely affected, the maximum impact continues to fall on travel and tourism.

Even after months of quarantine and several relaxations on the restrictions imposed on travel, leisure trips have become a difficult decision for most families across North America. To be honest, the fear of contracting the virus while flying and staying in hotels is bound to exist for a considerable period of time.

But let’s face it; the need for an outdoor getaway is imperative for relaxation and recuperation. This is why it’s crucial to find a safer alternative that allows you to practice social distancing throughout your trip.

Why is camping emerging as a popular getaway?

Most campgrounds were shut at the onset of the pandemic due to the imposed restrictions and quarantine. However, as more States started opening up, I noticed a growing demand and interest in camping among travelers.

Parks and campgrounds have been booked, and there has been a significant surge in traffic in online camp and RV rental sites. That said, you must be wondering—what’s the reason behind the sudden boom in the camping industry during a pandemic? Well, it’s simple!

First-timers and even ardent travelers are reluctant to get on planes or stay in resorts and hotels for safety concerns. As such, they’re turning to campers and RVs for road trips to serene campsites amidst the beautiful and tranquil greenery of nature.

This is not only a safer alternative to leisure travel, but it also diversifies the scope for outdoor and off-road adventures among the younger generation. That said, the camping market will be acquiring a more significant share of leisure travelers in the post-COVID-19 world.

Once it’s considered safer to travel, the industry will likely draw 16% of travelers and adventurers by the end of 2020, up from the 11% seen prior to the pandemic. Consequently, it’s anticipated that the market will continue to grow at an accelerated speed.

Will we see a resurgence of RV parks in a post COVID-19 world?

Coronavirus isn’t likely to make an exit any time soon. But like me, I’m sure all of you are waiting for this pandemic to end. Having said that, even when we find ourselves in a post COVID-19 world, safety is always going to be a priority.

A sense of fear will always remain, and that’s bound to be the new normal all over the world. Hence, as the tourism industry steps into a new and safer way to go on holidays and travel, the resurgence of RV parks is inevitable in the post-pandemic world.

And why not? RVs are not only built for off-road adventures, but they’re also designed to offer the comfort and convenience of a home on wheels. After all, these travel trailers are equipped with kitchen and bathroom facilities- providing the basic amenities to you in a safe and compact space of your own.

What’s more? It enables you to practice social distancing from fellow campers and travelers while on the road and at the destination. That said, I can’t stress more on the importance of the RV industry post-COVID-19.

Once businesses and activities open up further, the need for vacations will continuously rise. But it’s evident that vacationers won’t be boarding planes in a hurry. So, it’s more feasible to invest in RV parks for short trips closer to home. You may also consider renting an RV or travel trailer; instead of buying one.

Furthermore, the number of private campgrounds across the country is estimated to be more than 1.2 million. With the growing trend seen in the camping and RV park industry, owners are planning to add over 60,000 sites by the end of 2020.

This means travel and camping destinations across America won’t be limited. So, with a wide range of beautiful campsites to choose from, the demand for RVs is expected to see a spike. As such, manufacturers and suppliers should definitely ramp up the development of RV parks in the near future.

Summing it up

Earlier, the majority of visitors seen on campgrounds were older folk visiting for the entire season. But the outbreak of coronavirus has managed to spark interest for camping among the younger generation as well.

That being said, campers now want more than just tents. Hence, they’re opting for RVs and travel trailers equipped with all the facilities required for convenient travel and stay. Truth be told, it makes sense!

RV parks allow self-containment amidst the serene lap of nature. As a result, you get to enjoy the perfect staycation without having to worry about overall safety and well-being. Accordingly, the resurgence of RV parks and campgrounds in a post COVID-19 world is undeniable.

Start planning your next camping trip!

3150 Livernois Road,
Unit 136
Troy, Michigan
Toll: 844-669-6234

289 Garry Street,
Unit 300
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1H9
Toll: 844-669-6234

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