Nadi Group Culture Video

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CEO | Chief Innovation Officer


Emeka Nnadi:

Great design—as I see it—is experiential; and we’re nothing if we’re not the product of our experiences. We believe that our contribution to the world is all about leaving the world better than we found it. And if we can do that optimistically and playfully, and have fun while we are at it, I believe that we have fulfilled our mission.

We’re serious about play, it defines us and is a part of our culture internally and because we’re playful and exploratory; we don’t shy away from big ideas and big challenges. That helps us to be that much more innovative.

We consider ourselves boutique. Small, very culture-rich team. We’re diverse, but we’re consistent as a team. We have urban designers, landscape architects, architectural designers and interior designers—altogether. So, we embrace the full spectrum of the design profession. But that’s not the same thing as saying we do all types of design for all types of clients. So, we’re very specific in our outcomes in what we pursue, but we take a global approach to everything that we do.

Andrew Johnson:

What gets me out of bed in the morning is just knowing how my kids will grow up in a certain environment and understanding of how this new generation can see this environment in the next 20 years, 50 years, or 100 years. So, designing landscapes to focus not only on the now, but knowing how my kids will interact with the space 50 years from now—that really drives me.

 Emeka Nnadi:

Here at Nadi Group, I challenge all of us to not be afraid of who we could be, to really embrace that we could contribute meaningfully to the world.

3150 Livernois Road,
Unit 136
Troy, Michigan
Toll: 844-669-6234

289 Garry Street,
Unit 300
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1H9
Toll: 844-669-6234

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